the 4th European Conference 

Wir freuen uns nach der ersten Konferenz in VARNA, der zweiten in WIEN und der dritten in GENUA, nun die 4. Konferenz aus ISTANBUL vorstellen zu können.

The organisers of the 4th European Conference provide you with information on the official conference program. Please note in particular that the program is shown in TURKISH TIME, which is GMT+3. 

This means, that if you are on Central European Time (GMT+1), you should remove 2 hours from each period of time, shown in the program.
If you are on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), you should remove 3 hours from each period of time, shown in the program.
And if you are on Eastern European Time (GMT+2), you should remove 1 hour from each period of time, shown in the program.

The official program of the conference shaped according to the time zone in Türkiye (GMT+3):

09.12.2022 – Friday

11:00, Filip Filipov: Introductory Words from the Organizer
11:10, Öner Döşer: Introductory Words from the Host and Organizer
11:30, Dieter Koch: The Solar Eclipses of Troy and Ithaka
12:30, Questions
12:40, Öner Döşer: Determining Financial Significator in a Chart
13:40, Questions
13:50, Lunch Break
14:20, Levente László: A few nuggets from the goldmines of Hellenistic and Byzantine astrology
15:20, Questions
15:30, Anne C. Schneider: John Gadbury’s description (1659) of “The Nativity of the late King Charls”
16:30, Questions
16:40, Rumen Kolev: The Omens and Historical Events in Ancient Mesopotamia
17:40, Questions
17:50, Lynn Bell: The Promise of Solar Returns
18:50, Questions
19:00, Filip Filipov: The Mystery of the Book “Liber Hermetis” and the Spherical Model of the Horoscope
20:00, Questions
20:10, Oscar Hofman: Firdaria – a supreme prognosis tool
21:10, Questions
21:20, Closing the day

10.12.2022 – Saturday

10:00, Michaela Dicu: Water Triplicities – A Dilemma
11:00, Questions
11:10, Thomas Gazis: The Egyptian cosmic space division and the Hellenistic “Places”
12:10, Questions
12:20, Aleksandar Imsiragic: Love strings through time and space
13:20, Questions
13:30, Lunch Break
14:00, Sharon Knight: Profections – Have we paid attention?
15:00, Questions
15:10, Ehzan Khazani: A little bird told me: Basic principles of authentic horary practice
16:10, Questions
16:20, Zdeněk Bohuslav: Solar Return in Jean Baptiste Morin’s Astrologia Gallica
17:20, Questions
17:30, Lucia Bellizia: The doctrine of Terms
18:30, Questions
18:40, Brigitte Strobele: The diurnal horoscope as a correction and as a forecasting method
19:40, Questions
19:50, Discussion I: Classical Astrology and New Planets
20:30, Closing the day

11.12.2022 – Sunday

11:00, Ivaylo Banabakov: Planets, stars and constellations as divine archetypes in ancient astrology and mythology
12:00, Questions
12:10, Hande Kazanova: Arabic Parts in Financial Astrology
13:10, Questions
13:20, Lunch Break
13:50, Christos Archos: Using Traditional Techniques for understanding personality
14:50, Questions
15:00, Wolfgang Tomsits: From Hindsight to Foresight. The attempt to recognize coming times of crisis astrologically.
16:00, Questions
16:10, Margaret Gray: What – rather than Who! Exploring your needs in Relationships
17:10, Questions
17:20, Isabel Guimaraes: How planets act in Medical Astrology
18:20, Questions
18:30, Pepa Sanchis: The Lunar nodes in Vedic and Occidental Astrology
19:30, Questions
19:40, Discussion II: The place of Astrology in modern society
20:15, Closing of the Conference and Announcement of the Fifth European Conference on Astrology

It is possible that important details will be added to the program, of which you will be promptly notified.




The lectures will be held in English.

We are still trying to publish the lectures in German translation on the website.

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